Hot off the Presses: Snag Your Own Snarky FBI Boy!

November 22, 2013

It's here, it's here!

Cover by P.L. Nunn

You can get your very own print copy of Losing Better from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or the book store of your choice, yay! Wow, just in time for Thanksgivingkkah (uh, cuz Thanksgiving is late/Hanukkah is early this year--thanks for the word, Hayley!) and Christmas and Solstice and all your other wintry gift-giving needs. Why not give the gift of snarky FBI boy? Everyone wants one!

... Okay Gabe's a bit of a pill so maybe not. But Andrew's sweet, at least?

But you know, it is that time of year, so how about a giveaway? I thought so!

Here's the deal:

Respond in the comments to this blog entry and tell me who your favorite superhero is. You can tell me why or not, doesn't matter! One entry per person, no geographic restrictions, contest closes just as the clock turns over to December 1. I'll let pick a winner, who will get a signed paperback of Losing Better shortly thereafter. Just remember to leave me a way to contact you in case you're the winner--email, twitter, tumblr (make sure you have your asks turned on if so), whatever works for you.

Again, I say, yay!

tracykitnreads said...

Sometimes I feel like I'm not cool enough to play with you because I've never really been into superheroes. The closest I've ever gotten is that I absolutely love the Adam Ward/Burt West super-campy original movie version of Batman.

And so do my boys.


Katey said...

Ahaha oh man, but you've met me, you know I am the least cool person ever. ♥

Adam West as Batman is an EXCELLENTLY COOL ANSWER, by the way.

Unknown said...

OK I love way too many superheros (and don't you know it haha) to pick an ultimate favourite so I'm gonna go with my childhood favourite.

As a kid I used to fight with my bro over whether we'd watch X-men animated series or his batman cartoon. I thought Gambit was the coolest and mum says we got into a massive fight once over who was better Gambit or Batman. I won.

So yeah, childhood favourite Gambit! haha Mostly I just thought you'd like that story :D

Katey said...

Oh god you know it. Reason I started reading X-Men at all ever, right there. Damn you, LeBeau!! *fist shakey*


Mell Eight said...

I've always enjoyed Batman because he's the most human of all the superheroes. I don't mean that because he's from Earth and wasn't involved in a nuclear accident, but rather because his emotions and reactions to the issues he's fighting against have always held the most humanity and understanding of any other superhero.

I've honestly never heard of your Superpowered Love series, but I am definitely intrigued! Please count me in for the giveaway.

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