Sci-Fi Extravaganza~

January 3, 2014

So yesterday was National Science Fiction Day, and so LI is having a sale through midnight on the 5th to commemorate it, with a ton of Sci Fi themed books a dollar off. Woohoo! If you've never read sci-fi romance, I defffffinitely recommend giving it a shot. If you already have--hey, have a field day! 

I absolutely love it, and some of my favorite authors are on sale here. I know I talk a lot about comics, but I was also raised on Star Trek (I have an extensive collection of figurines and books that I will someday enshrine in a "Star Trek Room", I assure you), so... yeah. I love it a lot. Aliens, space pirates, werewolves... I mean you can't lose, right?

And if you've been waiting to read the very first Superpowered Love book, Equilibrium, it's part of the sale, too

Yyyyeah Loose Id has really been doing some awesome sales and incentives since they revamped the whole website for the slicker experience--and all the stuff they used to do too, like curating the 'staff picks' (Re-Entry Burn is on it for the first part of this year. *So proud*). So if you don't normally go over there, maybe put it on  your list of stops. Deals all over the place, lately. Of course, authors always love it when you buy from the publisher. We might be a liiiiiittle bit biased. Ahem.

And in other news, I am happy to report that In Distress (Superpowered Love 6--god have we come that far already?) has been submitted in its earliest form to my fabulous editor Raven, and now we shall see what comes of it. Eddie and Cal were so. much. fun to write. And after the frankly horrible year that was 2013, finishing on that note was just the thing I needed. It's a lot more in the fast-paced Equilibrium vein than the thinky Re-Entry Burn one, but part of the thing I love about writing the SL books (and for LI!) is that it gives me the freedom to mix things up like that. I hope it keeps y'all from getting bored with them, too.

So if you haven't met Eddie and Callum, definitely hop over to the In Distress page and say hi.

Back with more news soon!

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