Guest blogs and reviews for the Fairy Compacts Trilogy

March 30, 2015

Quick little something-or-other about the goings on in the wake of the new omnibus edition of Fairy Compacts!

-4 out of 5 stars from Dan at Love Bytes reviews! "I really enjoyed my day today, living in the world of this story." How cool is that? Thanks to the Love Bytes crew for giving it a shot.

-Guest blog on Fae-spiration at Prism Book Alliance! Wanna know what inspired me when I was building Tam and Aeron's world(s)? This is the place to check out! Includes some great recs for other fae reads, if you're into that, from both me and some of the Prism readers. Thank you for having me, Brandilyn and crew.

-4.75 out of 5 stars from Kris at Joyfully Jay! "When I was finished, I had that feeling of a story well done, and characters that had wormed their way into my heart." Thanks, Kris, for grabbing it off the pile and checking it out.

That's all for now! I'm knee-deep in trying to wrap up a few woefully late projects, but I'll return for more news on The Playhouse later in the week, I hope.

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