Kanaan & Tilney Cover Time~

October 3, 2015

Cover by Dar Albert
Soooo excited. I just. I mean. Look at them! For a better glimpse, check out their page over at KanaanAndTilney.com, complete with blurb, and soon to have excerpts and all that other great stuff. 

This baby releases on the 20th--barring disaster--so it's right after I get home from GRL. I thinnnnnk, therefore, that my reading there should include these lovely dorks. Yes, good.

Why should you be interested? For adventure! There's a Zombie Mafia (not actual zombies, btw) and they sell body parts. (Get it? Arms dealers? What, we like puns...) For romance! Cranky wolf-boy is a total marshmallow on the inside, batty pyrokinetic is pure sunshine. For the characters! Demisexual mystery author, Arab-American ex-cop--you don't see either every day, right? For the world! All manner of praeternaturals are hanging around Boston: Elementalists, Beasts, Psychogenics, Terrans, and Necropmorphs, oh my. For the mystery! The murdered man was not a very nice guy, after all...

As you might've guessed, Jenna and I are really excited about this one. Check it out!

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