Equilibrium is alive

August 22, 2011

It's that time, my friends. EQUILIBRIUM, my first paranormal romance, is live and available from the wonderful folk at Loose Id. It's full of electricity, fire, fights, sex, friendship, hot soccer players -- er, loads of great things, really! I hope it amuses -- if you snag it, let me know what you think.

Want more info? We've got that! Check out the EQUILIBRIUM page right here at Superpowered Love and see if it looks like your kind of thing. There are character sketches, excerpts, blurbs, all kinds of good stuff. Give it a shot! You never know, they might convince you.

And at the very least, you might enjoy refreshing the page for Honeyed Fox Ale, the beer of choice in Marietta Falls, WV since 1863, to see what sorts of interesting slogans they come up with. I hear it changes the more you refresh. Poor little fox, he's so done in... explains some of those shocking slogans, really.

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