Riot Boy Blurbage

September 27, 2011

No, not the kind of blurb from People of Note telling you how awesome it's gonna be -- just the kind that gives you some idea what the book is about. Still, it's something! The RIOT BOY page just had a little update, its first of several in the next -- well, it won't be long before it's released into the wild from the good folk at Loose Id. Within a couple of months, let's say. Barring disaster, explosion, etc.

I'll have excerpts for you in a few weeks, but for now you can get the idea and meet Et and Brady, if you're curious.
Beatrice said...

*is buzzing around like a very, very high bee*
It's almost here! This totally made my night - I now have the energy to study for my test tomorrow. LOL. Thank you, Katey. I bow to your superpowers.

P.S. Typo? "Et has would give all he has, but he has the feeling Brady needs saving from something before he can take it."

Katey said...

Ahahaha I am the Queen of Typos! Can you tell it's an unofficial blurb? Look who has superpowers! (That'd be you, Beatrice.)

<3 for that. And glad it sounds interesting! (Let's hope it is.)

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