Rainbows and Reviews

April 10, 2012

Before I leave the blog to its pre-scheduled stuff (WiP Wednesday and Scans from Kellan's Comic Collection -- yeah, I know, but it'll be fun!), just a few little announcements.

The first is that there's a very cool thing happening at Embrace the Rainbow. Well, there is always a cool thing happening there, but hang on... Becky has gathered an impressive list of books for a massive RT giveaway, so check it out and throw your name into the hat. I have one in there too, yeah, but the list is mind-bogglingly hot.

On a super personal note, I feel very strongly about what EtR stands for and is trying to do, but I'll just leave it with this: if you haven't checked them out, tweeted, friended, followed, whatever yet, please give it a shot. This is word that deserves, needs to be spread.

Now to the me-me-me portion of the post: new reviews have been added to book pages in the last few weeks!

Jay at Joyfully Jay reviewed Equilibrium and the two freebie shorts, "Jealousy: A Love Story" and "Best Gift Ever". I know, sooooo rad. It's the complete Sam-and-Hansen set!
I loved the contrast between Sam and Hansen and the mixture of strength and vulnerability that they each had. The book nicely blends the various plot points of Sam learning his powers, combined with the guys facing threats of exposure, along with the building of the relationship between them. Sam and Hansen were both great characters and very hot together.
And Nobody's Hero made the scene at Melanie's Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words, yay! Just love this review--she totally gets the boys. I think this line sums them up perfectly: "These two characters ease into their relationship with all the grace of two porcupines waltzing."

So true. So very, very true. Hee! Thanks, ladies, for these insightful and lovely reviews.

And in closing, Allie Ritch was kind enough to pass on The Sunshine Award to me. I'll definitely be hitting that when I get back from vacation. Wee~

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