Superpowers, Bad Trips, and Cleveland: An Interview

April 6, 2012

The fabulous J.A. Rock, who just dropped by here last week, invited me over to hers the other day. In the ensuing interview, we discussed romance and did a mad-lib. Also, of course, there is much talk of Nobody's Hero: Cleveland in all its glory, awakened superpowers, Spider-Man one-liners, the museum of natural history...

Okay, maybe we leave the Nobody's Hero track a liiiiiiittle. But that's what makes it fun, right? So stop by and check it out if you have a minute!

In other news, I have just spent several hours scanning and setting up posts that will give insight into Kellan's #1 fanboy obsession while I'm galavanting across the Atlantic later in the month. Good times. Human Torch. Spider-Man. Bromance 4-ever.

Google Chrome: why do you not recognize galavanting as a word? It is a GREAT word, thank you very much.

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