By the River

July 31, 2012

New book!

So By the River now exists as a real thing. So far, there are a few ways to get it--and I'll update the lists and stuff as more roll in. One more time, prettycover for the win~

1. Loose Id. Always the best! You may or may not know that LI's server recently went splat, so while they're rebuilding the store, stuff is only available for insta-download as pdf. Never fear, though--there's an email address you get with your purchase. Just send them your info and they'll send you whatever other format you like immediately. I did it with J.A. Rock's Calling the Show last week and it was like 3 minutes flat before I had the ePub. For your trouble, there's a preeeeeetty big discount involved. (It says $4.99; they'll knock off $1.25 when you go to checkout.)

2. All Romance eBooks. Gotta love them, right? They're doing rebate stuff atm too, which is always fun, and matches LI's straight up discount. Everyone wins!

3. ETA: Amazon Kindle Store. Woo!

More coming--I'll update this post if more happens today (Amazon's always pretty fast), but in the meantime, more awesome!

1. Guest post and giveaway at Joyfully Jay: My River Town. All about the little town that inspired Ashton, the setting for By the River. Yeah, that'd be my hometown. I even took pictures of the pretty river when I was home for the Fourth of July. You can leave a comment to win a copy of the book, too.

2. First review! Thanks so, so much to Jay for the best thing ever to wake up to on release day: 4.5 stars for being "a lovely, sweetly romantic story". Eeee, so happy!

3. And don't forget, there's that hot (wet) excerpt at Pants Off--also a chance to comment and win. Yeah, two giveaways. It's on.

booklover0226 said...

Congrats on your latest release. I just added it to my shopping cart.

Hurry up, Payday!!

Tracey D

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