Newsletter Time

August 6, 2012

There's so much going on right now, I think the only way for me to make sense of it is to do a bullet-point newsletter of sorts. So, heeeeere we go...

Thank You

Thanks so, so very much to everyone who made the first week of By the River being alive so much fun. Thanks to everyone who commented and hung out at the PantsOff blogoversary post, thanks to Joyfully Jay for not only reviewing the book (kindly!) on the first day, but also for letting me invade with pictures of my river. Thanks to everyone on twitter and tumblr who put up with me freaking out all day on the 31st... and, okay, all week. Thanks to everyone who dropped by to comment, sent an email, tweeted, and, oh god, read and rated/reviewed anywhere.

True story: I was in miserable pain pretty much all week because my back went out. I can't even complain though because my life is awesome.

Upcoming Events

Tuesday, you'll find me over at Buffy Kennedy's place with a blog about superpowers. Ah, mmm, reminds me it's about time for another comic book update--but no, I mean superpowered love style superpowers. Buffy's site is lively, intelligent, and sweet, and recently reviewed Equilibrium, so it seemed an appropriate topic--plus there will be a giveaway. I'll update this post when it goes live, but heads up.

On Thursday I'll be hanging out over at The Romance Studio's release party site all day with a bunch of cool authors. There will be excerpts, romantic ramblings, and of course prizes for all. These parties are always a lot of fun--if bad for my bank account. I'll post here when it happens and of course I'll be chatting it up on twitter and tumblr too.

Coming Next...

With By the River off and running, I've been getting some questions about what's up next. In order--as best as I can manage, here's what the Hawthorne schedule looks like:

1. Life as a  Fairy Thrall. #2 in the Fairy Compacts series will go out to everyone who contributed to the Raven Campaign next week--at which time I'll also have an excerpt available. The book will be for sale to all on September 1, 2012.

It's an adventure in Faerie from Tam's point of view, with some really gorgeous illustrations by Ruxandra Lache. And of course, magic and wingsex are guaranteed.

If you haven't picked up a free copy of #1: The Dangers of Fairy Compacts, it's there for the taking.

2. Fairy Bound. #3 in the Fairy Compacts series will go out to the Raven contributors in early October, and will be available for sale on November 1, 2012.

This is the final chapter in Aeron and Tam's story, and the telling of it is split between them. More interesting magic, more inventive wingsex, and hopefully the happily ever after they deserve, after so much trouble.

3. A freebie. By winter, it'll be time for another one, don't you think? I can't say too much about this one yet, but I'll tell you who the PoV is as a massive hint:

4. More superpowered love.

In all this Faerie and fairy-tale stuff, you might think I forgot what I was doing, but no, I swear, I didn't. There is more superpowered love than anything else on the horizon, my friends, and I hope very soon to have news in that vein. Until I can speak more freely, I'll just say that I have 2 full novels and one free short just about ready to go. I hate to be vague, but the timing is totally out of my hands. That said, if the second of those two books gets a "yes" from the publisher, that's the moment the free short will arrive--in celebration. And it'll have to do with...

And that's all the news there is for now. Thanks again, everyone. If you think of any more questions, just let me know and I'll do my best. Much love!



Oh wow. Yeah see, so much going on I even forgot this:

Equilibrium and Riot Boy in one gorgeous paperback. I got mine the other day. It's fucking incredible. Check it out, y'all!

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