
August 27, 2012

Hey y'all. (Ugh I just read that to myself in an whiney Paula Deen voice. Sorry.) I'm here with winners for both of the giveaways last week. Thanks very much to everyone who dropped by. It was a really, really awesome week. And birthday!

Equilibrium Birthday Giveaway winner:


Yay, a graffiti'd copy of the shiny new Equilibrium/Riot boy print omnibus is on its way to you.

Follow the Rainbow Hop Giveaway winner:


A fresh eCopy of By the River just splashed down in her inbox.

Okay, sorry, water pun. I'll never do it again.


In other news:

Saturday, September 1. Life as a Fairy Thrall. It's gonna be for sale at Smashwords, ARe, and from my little gumroad shop, for those of you who like the direct distro method. Maybe more coming, but that's it for the initial release. Just wanted to do a heads up: wingsex incoming. Yay!

Also, while I'm here, Amazon-lovers: it will be available from all of those places as a mobi, but if you want to buy your copy from Amazon, all three books will be available in a digital omnibus edition early next year. There are actual reasons for this that are extremely boring, but feel free to hit me up with questions if you're super bothered by the idea. I get it. I have my favorite shopping places, too.

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