St. Patrick's Day Means Kelly's the DJ

March 16, 2014

Jamie and Kellan on St. Pat’s by Astro.

Ah yes, it's time for the return of DJ Kellan--a title Kelly (of Nobody's Hero) doesn't much like, but will live with if it means he gets to listen to loud Paddy Rock and drink all day. For the last two years,  his list has remained the same, but this year Kellan has an all new and improved St. Pat's playlist for everyone. He'll be taking over my tumblr as usual (and the posts will go to twitter, too), for those who'd like to rock Irish-American and/or Canadian and/or Australian and/or whatever Irish transplant and/or actual Irish style.

Both the old and new tracks are in my DJ Kellan tag, but if you just want the new tracks, hit up the DJ Kellan 2014 tag. One track an hour will be posted, plus some of Kellan's typical grouchy commentary. Because Kellan.

On a more serious and personal note, the Sheas--Kellan's large and loud Irish-Catholic family--seem to have struck a chord with some readers. That means a lot to me, because not only did I think people would find them unbelievable, what with all the music-making and large family parties and other hilarity, but because they're directly patterned on my mother's side of the family. Well, except Mom's family had eight kids, not seven, but hey. We've had a lot of really hard hits this year, in particular the loss of two beloved family members in a three month period. We also had good stuff happen--like a big old wedding, which we always make the most of, in between our tragedies. But it's been a hell of an emotional ride.

So while Kelly will be dedicating the occasional song to people in his life, I just want to say that the whole thing is dedicated to my family, just like the book was. We fight and yell and cry and love and always stick together. If I didn't have them, I'd never believe in love enough to actually write about it.

Now excuse me while I listen to loud obnoxious paddy rock and slam Guinness all day tomorrow. (It's a food, too. Really.) I'm sure my cousins are doing the same, scattered as we are.

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