An Introduction

August 17, 2011

I realized that in my haste to get on with the superhero science and perfect the EQUILIBRIUM pages, I didn't really have anything about myself here on the site. I mean, there are links in the sidebar to other places where I do random absurd things on the net, but I think one is expected to have a little bit of information. With my first release impending, I really should have my shit together here.

Except, what do you say about yourself? If I thought I was interesting, I wouldn't write about imaginary people, would I?

No, but here I am, all the same! So in an effort to introduce myself to anyone who stumbles by, perhaps after seeing the shiny cover for EQUILIBRIUM on the Loose Id site, or maybe after the (holy god, so soon!) release, I thought I'd do a hello post.

So hi! I'm Katey. I'm about to turn 31, and I live just outside Washington, DC. I like to read George RR Martin, Frank Herbert, Georgette Heyer, Henry James, Neil Gaiman, Warren Ellis, Wendy Pini, Jane Austen. I have a congenital Spider-Man addiction, passed down to me from my father; I have a lot of his old comics bagged and boarded on my shelves. I visited F. Scott Fitzgerald's grave earlier this year and left him a thank you letter. He is my favorite writer ever.

I write horror and dark fantasy as KV Taylor, and my first dark fantasy novel is up for preorder right now. It's about fucked up Appalachian fae and contains an extremely broken love story and lots of knives. I just sold another about vampires that might be even more fucked up. My favorite vampire movie is 30 Days of Night, because I like the blood on the snow. I like the graphic novels, too. I run Fae Awareness Month in June. These are my two favorite monsters -- and anyone who says the fae aren't monstrous has been reading too much Yeats.

I was raised by hunters, and have been quietly but intensely vegetarian for over half my life; I live with a man who was raised strictly vegetarian Hindu, and cannot get enough cow into his system. I don't generally rant about politics, but I do care about human rights, and occasionally throw stuff out in that vein. I can be expected to write a post or two a year mocking bisexual stereotypes, as I feel it's important to represent both personally and through my fiction that that shit is not okay. (All sorts of stereotypes, but we all have a soft spot for our own, don't we?)

I like Sapphire and Tonic, Black Bush on the rocks, and decent wine. Coffee is nice, too. I quit smoking when I got married, but I cheat when I drink too much. I didn't believe in happy endings until I met my husband; I still don't write them all the time, but I save them up for romance. Everyone else finds her annoying, but I'm pretty sure I only like Sookie Stackhouse because Anna Paquin is so goddamn hot. Franz Liszt is my dead boyfriend. I've spent days in libraries in Philly and DC reading through old newspapers just to get the weather right on a given day in a historical.

I wrote EQUILIBRIUM for my best friend. A lot of Sam came directly from her (with permission, of course). My aunt printed out a poster for me to give her for her birthday.

This is what my desk looks like right now:

I can't resist speedsters. This is the toy I just bought while on a roadtrip to Cleveland, perched atop my corkboard:

No idea if any of that stuff is any more interesting than the bio page. But I hope it's at least marginally more entertaining, and will serve as a proper introduction. If you see this, please link me back to your introduction, give it to me in the comments, or drop me an email. It's like a virtual handshake, that way. :D

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