Updates and Upcomings (vaguely NSFW image)

July 14, 2014

Okay so "upcomings" is probably not a word. Definitely not a word. I like it anyhow.

I had the extreme good fortune to be at Authors After Dark in Savannah last year and meet BA Tortuga and Julia Talbot. It was at this convention where the idea for Designated Bottoms was born. I'll let Julia Talbot's fabulous intro to the collection tell the story, though. And here we have the cover...

How is that for some adorable cheesecake? I love it! Suuuper proud to be in a title with these fabulous authors.

My story is called "The Mistell", and it is my first ever non-paranormal. GASP! It's okay, though, I made up for it with a ton of nerdery--as the title might lead you to suspect. A 'mistell' is basically when you're in-game (Massively Multiplayer Online games, generally speaking) and you send a chat message to the wrong person or group... which can get a little embarrassing, if you're talking about the wrong thing.

Or, you know, cybersexing while you're supposed to be helping your buddies kill a dragon.

So that'll be live on July 30 from Torquere Press, yay!

In other news, Sammy over at The Novel Approach did an awesome thing last month. Well, okay, I think it's awesome, and I guess I would, but. She did reviews of all the Superpowered Love books in a week! Woo!

Equilibrium (4 stars)
Riot Boy (5 stars)
Nobody's Hero (4 stars) 
Losing Better (4 stars)
In Distress (5 stars)
Re-Entry Burn (5 stars)

They can be read in any order, of course, but she did them almost in the order they were written, which is cool. I thought about quoting some of the review but I think I've reached my limit of talking about myself for the day, so maybe just check em out if you've got the time! Great fun, and really deep-digging stuff in those reviews. Thank you to Sammy and to TNA for giving them a shot.

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