Designated Bottoms and Other News

August 3, 2014

In aid of keeping everything nice and organized here at the site, I've created a little page called 'one-shots', which is where I'll keep links to stories and anthologies that aren't in a series. I'm updating all the places Designated Bottoms can be found there, for those who prefer to get their lovin' from particular places that aren't Torquere itself.

Hopefully I'll have lots of stories to put there someday. I miiiiiight be working on something right now for another anthology, but I'll wait and see if I can pull it off before crowing too much.

The Other News is that I'm also working on the next Superpowered Love book, and the working title is The Playhouse. Which... is not what it sounds like, probably, since it's actually about a theater. Called the Playhouse. However, I've long been thinking it's past time to inject a little f/f into this particular pen name of mine, and so it will be done! 

I'm taking next week off, though. So if you don't hear from you, never fear, I'm not disappeared. Just cleaning my house, visiting with family, and playing video games forever because finally my new computer will be here and I won't be exiled to this ancient crappy one anymore!

I might be a little excited yes. I feel like Pete and Samir would approve of that last activity though.

ETA: Totally forgot! Check out the Author Extra in re The Mistell at Torquere's blog for Five Fun Facts

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