
July 10, 2012

Cover art by Ruxandra Lache

Yeah. I know, right? How's that for an ice-breaker?

While I'm chillin' over here in the calm before my By the River storm, I've been--well, not chillin' at all. I've been prepping #2 of the Fairy Compacts series, a large part of which has included working with the wonderful Ruxandra on cover and interior illustrations. Ruxandra's style is perfectly suited to the tone of Life as a Fairy Thrall, and I'm so, so happy she was into the project.

And, I mean, Tam. Look at him. SPOILER ALERT:

I totally get why Aeron is always trying to get your clothes off, now, dude.


Anyhow, I finally got my ass in gear and sorted out the Fairy Compacts page to reflect what's going on there. If you want to go a little deeper, there are links to excerpts, music, and even teaser thumbnails of Ruxandra's interior illustrations. Special edition Life as a Fairy Thrall eBooks will ship out to all the people who contributed to the For Raven campaign for free, complete with all three full-page illustrations in their grand glory, next month. Then in September, it'll be available for all via a couple of outlets--minus one of the illustrations, but still quite gorgeous.

#1 in the series, The Dangers of Fairy Compacts, will always be free for all. There are a couple of places to score yourself a copy if you haven't yet, and I'm working on some more even now.
jayhjay said...

OMG is that gorgeous! And hello, nice package dude! Love it!

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