Reviews and Fairy Tales

July 6, 2012

A few fun things happened this week, so here's the deal:

1. The second installation of Fairy Compacts, Life as a Fairy Thrall, is not only written, but is being edited and, yes, illustrated even as I type this. Wee! There are also a few more places to get your totally free copy of the first one now if you're not a GoodReads user, so check out the page if that sounds good to you. Thanks again to the GR m/m group for making it happen--especially Miya Kressin and her inspiration. Our boys <3

2. There was a really wonderful, thoughtful review of Nobody's Hero over at Jessewave's site by Raine. Raine totally gets me. I love it when reviewers talk about their personal gut reactions to things too--check out her troubles with Kellan. For the record, I'm an atheist myself--me and my characters, we so rarely agree on things--so I found her exploration of that aspect of Kelly's prickly-ass personality super awesome. Not just because she gave it 4.5 stars, either.

3. After this weekend, we'll draw winners in the Fae Awareness giveaway. All it takes is a comment to enter, and there are some spectacular prizes that may be of interest. In particular free eBooks from the magnificent Less Than Three Press, courtesy of Megan Derr. Yeah, that just happened. So get in while the getting (and the odds) are good, because I'm going to let at it after the weekend.

4. There's a new excerpt on the By the River page. This one's a little more thinky, and has to do with Leith's ability to defy the laws of physics... 

I feel as if I should note that right before that bit is the Minecraft stuff. Ha! Nerd alert.

I'm traveling back from WV today, hopefully bearing pictures of my hometown, which is directly responsible for By the River. Yep. West Virginia river town. You guessed it! Should make for some, um, weird comparison, anyhow.

Anyhow, here comes the weekend. Yay!

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